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Christian Kromme

Recycled kevlar battery could boost electric car range by 5x

Recycled kevlar battery could boost electric car range by 5x


What Happened?

A new biologically inspired battery membrane has enabled a battery with five times the capacity of the industry-standard lithium-ion design to run for the thousand-plus cycles needed to power an electric car.


Read the entire article here:


Why is this important?

The design of this new kind of battery is “nearly perfect,” with its capacity and efficiency approaching the theoretical limits. It can also handle the temperature extremes of automotive life, from the heat of charging in full sun to the chill of winter. However, the real-world cycle life may be shorter with fast charging, more like 1,000 cycles. This is considered a 10-year lifespan. Along with the higher capacity, lithium-sulfur batteries have sustainability advantages over other lithium-ion batteries. Sulfur is much more abundant than the cobalt of lithium-ion electrodes. In addition, the aramid fibers of the battery membrane can be recycled from old bulletproof vests and other products that inhibit these aramid fibers.

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