In today’s world, technology and humanity are coming together. Futurist, speaker and author Christian Kromme, is passionate about the future where technology seamlessly connects with the human essence. In his book “Humanification – Go Digital, Stay Human,” he explores the connection between the wisdom of nature and technological progress. His vision? Using existing patterns and principles of nature to create technology that makes human life easier, not overshadow it.
Technology should naturally enhance human qualities. Human creativity, empathy and connection should not be altered by technological advances. Christian envisions a world where technology feeds the human spirit and purposefully enhances it. In his keynotes and book, he explores this world where technology is developed with respect for human values.
View the most booked keynotes: AI – The Human Story, The Future of AI, and Go Digital, Stay Human.
In 2011, Christian made a unique discovery. While researching his daughter’s health, Christian discovered seven unique wave patterns in the development of cells and biological organisms that we see reflected in the development of homo-sapiens and technology today.
These seven wave patterns form the basis of disruptive technology trends, such as artificial intelligence, AR and VR internet of things, self-driving cars and blockchain technology. These patterns allow Christian to predict technology trends. According to Christian, we are creating a future where technology is seamlessly intertwined with human values.