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Christian Kromme

The AI Academy helps to Navigate the AI Revolution with Confidence

AI is Great, You’re Greater. At our AI Academy, you’ll discover your talents that AI can’t replicate!

The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has many fearing their place in the future. Concerns about becoming obsolete, losing income, and diminishing status are real. But with the right knowledge, you can turn these challenges into opportunities. Read more about our AI Academy.


Why This AI Academy is Essential

AI isn’t just a trend—it’s rapidly altering every sector, from healthcare to finance. This six-week course, curated by the esteemed futurist Christian Kromme, empowers you to face the AI revolution head-on and secure relevance in the evolving landscape.


Empower Yourself with:

– Future Insights: Grasp the societal and technological shifts driving our world.

– Organizational Mastery: Understand the evolving dynamics of AI-influenced organizations.

– Human Value: Rediscover your unique human edge in a machine-dominated era.

– Tech Insights: Stay updated on how emerging technologies shape our lives and careers.


Course Features

– Over 7 hours of high-quality HD on-demand video content

– Massive inspiration in bite-size video chapters

– Future-Proof Self-test

– Free ebook: Humanification – Go Digital, Stay Human


Why Join Us?

– Shift from Fear to Power – Understand AI’s potential, turning apprehension into an advantage.

– Discover Human-Only Skills – Uncover talents AI can’t replicate. Your creativity and empathy have value.

– Equip for the AI Era – Identify future-proof skills, ensuring your indispensable place in tomorrow’s world.


Why AI Matters

AI is more than just technology; it’s a catalyst for change. It challenges traditional business models, automates mundane tasks, and opens up new avenues for innovation. With AI, we can solve complex problems, make data-driven decisions, and create a more equitable society. But to leverage these benefits, you need to be prepared. This course will make you future-proof!


Your Outcome

After completing this course, you’ll have a future-proof mindset that sees waves of change as opportunities rather than threats. You’ll be able to act and navigate with confidence in times of extreme uncertainty.

Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to be a leader in the AI-driven world. The future is now, and it’s time to be a part of it!

Discover The Six Course Modules of the AI Academy


Mindset is everything, so Upgrade Your mindset now! In this masterclass, world-renowned futurist Christian Kromme will teach you simple, step-by-step strategies to Future-Proof your Mindset. After taking this masterclass, you can anticipate and surf future waves of change. You will have a future-proof mindset and see the waves of change as opportunities instead of threats. You will be able to act and navigate with confidence in times of extreme uncertainty.

AI Academy Curriculum Overview


Do you want to learn more about the course contents? Here’s a chapter overview of what you can expect. This way, you can determine if the course is right for you. The course includes more than 8 hours of HD video content, 45 chapters, 45 interactive exercises, and PDF handouts that will help improve your learning experience.

Also, Check Out These Exciting Features


Enroll in this master course today and you will receive some extra bonus materials as well. Extra exercises, additional chapters with technology trends, high res handouts, free ebook, daily inspiration service and many more.

Does this sound like you?


  • Our world is changing rapidly, and my business should change rapidly as well, but I don’t know what the future will look like.
  • What is the best strategy for my organization? Our organization is transforming rapidly, and many jobs are being automated, what skills should I develop to stay relevant?
  • Many organizations and jobs are being disrupted by increasing technology. Therefore I see technology as a treat instead of an opportunity. How can I change my mindset and perspective?
  • Due to covid19, we have to go digital. But how can we stay human at the same time?
  • I understand that digital technologies offer countless opportunities, but how can I leverage these powerful technologies?
  • I’m curious about what the future will look like and what my role will be in this future.


Don’t worry. Many people experience the same, especially in this time of extreme digitization and global pandemic.

Do you want to:

  • Develop new business models and strategies that are Future-Proof and able to leverage new technologies.
  • Conceive a new Future-Proof mindset and skills that enable you to stay relevant in this fast digital world.
  • Create new Future-Proof products or services that can disrupt traditional competitors.
  • Learn how to go digital and stay human at the same time.
  • Discover how I can leverage new exponential technologies to fulfill my purpose in life.
  • Be inspired by new insights about consciousness, technologies, business models, and endless possibilities.


You’re in the right place: we have a proven formula that will help you achieve all of this and more.

Please don’t take my word for it; hear it from others


“The nice thing about Christian’s masterclass is that it is not an abstract high overtraining: he shows through practical examples that the exponential growth of technological developments is no longer unavoidable. Christian honestly and sincerely shows the chances and positive aspects of all those developments. That is what he does in his very own human way. And that is a unique combination for a fascinating masterclass.”


Nicoline van Mulken, Manpower Group


“Fantastic, Very Inspiring, encourages reflection, impressive, Best masterclass I have seen!”

A. Allmers, FinanceFactor


“The masterclass of Christian is very clever! Handsome how he can draw a parallel between biological developments and technological developments and revolutions. Besides, his story is more than a lightning-fast succession of technical gadgets, but it is particularly relevant to how our society and all sectors within it will develop. Absolutely a must for every individual and organization that wants to gain insight into how to respond to all technical innovations and disruptions that are going to take place. And very beautiful: the end of his masterclass in which Christian ends with the ‘human touch’ and ‘purpose'”

Pieter Bas Boertje, D&B Eventmarketing


“Christian explains in an inspired way how exponential growth of digital computing power will cause unexpected technological, economic, and cultural changes. Any individual and organization with the ambition to stay relevant for the next five years should take this masterclass very seriously.“

C. Fruneeaux, Director Monnik


“Christian is a passionate speaker who shows in a beautiful and inspiring manner what is going on in our society, what is going to happen in the future, and how we should deal with this. Very motivating!” 


R. Van Zanten, Director IBSG Retail/consumer goods EMEA & Latin America at Cisco Systems


“Christian breathes innovation. Full of passion and knowledge he manages to challenge his audience to look beyond the iPhone. The biggest changes are yet to come in technology; you better be prepared!” 


D. de Beurs, Researcher Primary Care, and Mental Health at NIVEL

About your Teacher: Christian Kromme

Best Selling Author and World-Renowned Futurist Speaker

Christian Kromme is a world-renowned futurist, entrepreneur, and author of the bestseller book Humanification – Go Digital, Stay Human. He gives inspiring keynotes about the impact of disruptive technological developments on people, organizations, and society. Christian Kromme was an innovative tech entrepreneur for 15 years until he discovered the DNA behind disruptive innovation and how to use this to predict the next big wave of technological disruption. Now Christian is one of the most in-demand global futurist keynote speakers, speaking in front of hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs, business leaders, and policymakers about the radical impact of disruptive technologies on humans and organizations. 

Christian Kromme

His future insights are available to a broad audience.

Christian has spoken at exclusive and prestigious events in many industries, most of which are forums, conferences, congresses, and corporate events with audiences of up to 5000 people. In the last two years, Christian has presented for more than 250 world-leading organizations on five continents, in 22 different countries, and before more than 400.000 people, including the world’s wealthiest and most influential families and members of multiple royal families. Christian’s purpose in life is to inspire people by awakening the possibility that humanity can create a hopeful and meaningful future.

Christian Kromme

Recognize & tune into the force that drives global trends.

“They told me my daughter was dying. That day, I had no idea that such dreadful news would lead to a discovery that would revolutionize our understanding of innovation — what powers innovation, how it happens, how we can predict it and even make it happen.” The speed of innovation in technology is increasing, and it will transform our world. Christian’s best-selling book Humanification is about how we can harness its power to improve our lives, help businesses thrive, and predict the next wave of change. During my masterclasses, I explain how to recognize and tune into the force that drives exponential trends.

So what’s included in this course?


  • Over 9 hours of beautifully crafted HD video lessons. 
  • Tremendous inspiration for creating a future full of purpose and meaning. 
  • Our unique formula for Future-Proof your Mindset. 
  • Bonus: Access to our Future-Proof Self-test. 
  • Bonus: an E-book copy of my best-selling book: Humanification – Go Digital, Stay Human. 
  • PS: We offer corporate/organizational discount bundles for enrolling ten or more employees simultaneously. For more info, please get in touch with us. 


Now limited offer for only Euro 299- 

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